Caleb Cushing's Blog Also known as XenoTerraCide

I wish my would go away

I been thinking about it for a few days, and of course consider I know nothing about grammar parsing or how any of this works. I wish the my $var; syntax would go away… or at least be less necessary. In almost all cases you want a lexical variable and use strict; doesn’t allow you to use $var anyways. So what’d I’d like to see is my become a mostly unnecessary reserved word, make $var a lexical variable by default, e.

git workflows

If you use git and you’re past the tutorialand using it for an actual project, I suggest you take a look at the workflowsmanpage as well. It will give you ideas on how to branch, merge, rebase and cherry-pick.This has been a public service announcement, that is all.–This workby Caleb Cushingis licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Announcing Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Catalyst

So I just recently finished reading Restful Web Services and decided I wanted to go back and play with Catalyst and REST some. The original way to create a Catalyst skeleton is to run This creates a lot of nice files to get you started. dzil new basically does the same thing for a generic cpan module. Honestly, without any plugins dzil new isn’t that useful. However, once you add Git::Init , you remove several steps from the creation of a new module and repository.

Solving code generation problems in dzil

Firstly I want to clarify a bit on my opinions of PluginBundle::USERNAME modules, as some comments there have inspired this post. I don’t think you should use them because it makes it harder to disableplugins, and I think Robin Smidsrød put it best: Mostly it is because the Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::USERNAME doesn’t actually say anything about its intention. It only says use Dist::Zilla as this person does, but what does that actually mean?

please don't use Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::USERNAME

or create them. Here’s the problem…. (short version is Don’t put PodSpellingTests in them)normally you’d have[pluginA][pluginB][pluginC][pluginXTests][pluginYTests][pluginZTests]and one of them doesn’t work on your system (for whatever reason), well you can just do this.[pluginA][pluginB][pluginC];[pluginXTests][pluginYTests][pluginZTests]the ;is a comment in ini, now dzil won’t use that plugin. But people will say well you don’t want to do that of course I want that plugin enabled. Here’s why you may not temporarily. Casual user X has a bug in /your/ module that’s using dzil, they code up a patch, and they want to run your test suite.

RT git workflow

git was designed to be very flexible in its workflow. One of the things it was designed to do was handle email patches, since there are a lot of patches sent to and from the mailing list. This is a good thing, even if you don’t have a mailing list, or you have your own bug tracker (in addition to RT), you can use RT to receive email patches from git.

Test Perl 5.12 on Arch Linux

Perl 5.12 has been languishing in the testing repo for a while, there are now several packages that have been rebuilt in testing and community testing. All of the rebuilds I reported have been fixed. If you use arch please make sure you’re using their rebuilt packages (and not one you rebuilt because it took like 2 months to do this) if you have any problems file a bug. If you aren’t sure which package is really the problem feel free to drop me a line and I’ll see if I can help you tack it down.

github renders POD

Not much to say here, but if you didn’t know it if you put a file.pod in your github repo it will be parsed and formatted, here’s an example:=pod=head1 HELLOworld=cutUnfortunately you have to actually visit the GISTto see it rendered.–This workby Caleb Cushingis licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. probably not compat with all downstream

For those that don’t know I currently create packages for AUR, and I used to work on Funtoo, as well as a fork of it Regen2 (which died by my hand). So I’ve got some experience working with BSD-ish style distro’s. I can’t comment on the Debians or Red Hats of the world, other than REPO HELL DRIVES ME NUTS. Now to the topic. Semverseems sane except for 1 thing that it doesn’t mention and an example that encourages it.

Selling Open Source Software (specifically games)

This is a pseudo reply to Jason Calacanis for what he said about using an Open Source game engine to build a game in This Week in Startups #54, Ask Jason segment. I believe Jason is implying that you can’t make money with open source software(that’s not a support contract variant) directly, but it’s a good resume builder. True there aren’t any big billion dollar open source companies, and companies like Red Hat make money off support, but I don’t believe he’s correct.