Caleb Cushing's Blog Also known as XenoTerraCide

split package.mask

There’s been a problem with ${PORTDIR}/profiles/package.mask since I added sunrise, I didn’t realize at the time the problem wouldn’t be adding atoms, it would be keeping track of when they should be removed. I’ve decided that the best way to do it is to use portages ‘directory concatenation’ feature, I turned package.mask into a directory, it now contains a file for each overlay that has a package.mask, and one for gentoo.

merged java-overlay

Java in Gentoo is horribly out of date, and from what I’ve seen of the java overlay, it doesn’t improve the situation much, but it’s still better than without it. I’ve merged it into, since this was I think the most painful merge since the first I ever did, I may have made mistakes on some ebuilds, let me know if you experience problems.–This workby Caleb Cushingis licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.

USE="experimental-git" sys-apps/portage

drobbins recent tipmade me think, that maybe I should point out that his solution to the problem is an annoying work around. I had this problem for a while, it was caused by my having autocrlf = input in my .gitconfig settings. Several people have told me that they have this problem without changing their crlf settings for git. After a while I decided that Funtoo/Gentoo’s git handling patches were incomplete at best and unfriendly at worst.

Heritage Paper - Cultural Diversity

This blog entry is a test of Google Docs blog publish feature. I thought some might be interested in this paper I wrote for my Cultural Diversity class that I’m currently attending at Baker College of Auburn Hills, MI.My name is Caleb William Cushing, born Caleb Lee Rogers. I was born on October 21, 1984 in Lansing, Michigan, USA. I’m German / Norwegian by birth and German / English by law.

Banned from #funtoo

open letter to Dan Robbins - merge regen2

I had an interesting conversation with thewtex on #funtoo yesterday. My conclusion is, this divergence of tree’s is stupid. We should be working on a common base, at least common enough that users could relatively easily merge our tree’s. My tree is currently ahead of yours in content by 3 sunrise merges, 1 mpd, and the 2 merges of the python overlay. Your users can’t easily get these updates.Due to the fact that we have irreconcilable views on what patches we allow, the fork must remain.

tag builds

This is just a feature concept. May or may not ever happen. Live builds for portage usually run off the trunk/master branch of a scm tool. This is a great idea, but why couldn’t we take this a step further, usually people who use scm’s ‘tag’ there releases, so why couldn’t the same ‘live’ build have an option for using a tag instead of trunk. This would allow releases to roll out much faster too.

a snake in regen2

I’m sure you’re thinking I’m talking about me ;) nope first order of business, add more stuff which should be in gentoo. I’m pleased to announce that I’ve added py3k also know as Python 3.0 to Regen2. It will remain hardmasked as unmasking could create stability issues on a gentoo based system given it’s reliance on python.

Forking Funtoo - Regen2 project born

So, I won’t be the Tree Maintainer for Funtoo anymore. In light of the new situation I’m forking Funtoo. I’m not going into details why I’m not the tree maintainer anymore on this blog, except to point out how Regen2 will differ.I’ll be continuing to maintain a tree with all the overlays I had added and more to come. you can get a copy of my version of portage at git://github.

Funtoo News

I’ve decided I’m going to start posting a sort of weekly newsletter (I’m not committing to weekly though) merely to document anything I feel important that happened, or is about to, but isn’t quite important enough for it’s own post.RA(ra– on #funtoo) or r_a@lavabit.comsubmitted quite a few patches this week including 1 that fixes many of my major borkage on non-latin1 changelog breaks. He’s become a regular contributor and I’d like to thank him.