Caleb Cushing's Blog Also known as XenoTerraCide

PostgreSQL initial setup (authentication)

If you followed my last initial setuppost on creating users and are running a default install of postgres you currently should be able to access the database on your cli. However, many distributions do not install postgres in a default manner. A great many distributions make the default authentication for sockets ident sameuser. This is technically much more secure than trustwhich is the default. However, you may find yourself locked out of your database on the local cli if you make the database name different.

Adding a new group to an open shell without logging in and out

Most Unix users believe it’s impossible to add a group that was recently added to your user account without logging in and logging out. If you’re running X and need to give your gui new permissions (like dolphin/konqueoror) this may be true, for the most part. I don’t know how to change it for those processes. However, if you need to change it for a shell prompt it’s easy. You merely execute the command newgrp <newgroupname> in an open shell prompt and that prompt will now be loaded with the new group.

More Security = Better. Wrong!

So I just had a discussion on #ubuntu-server on freenode about why my not having a password to connect to postgresql via a socket (read local cli) is insecure. So I asked them, how exactly is it that someone is going to get this access? The answer “there are bad people on the Internet”. I’m sure many people right now are agreeing with them and thinking I’m crazy. Let’s discuss my setup though shall we.

OpenWRT static DHCP

I use OpenWRT on my Linksys WRT54GL, all shell, no web interface. My basic problem is that both me and my roomate need ports forwarded from the internet to our systems. This means NAT, for nat you need to know the IP address that you’re forwarding too. I could just ‘static’ the IP on our boxes and then set up the NAT. This is not the correct way to do things, as it would be much more difficult to keep track of who uses what IP and make sure that dnsmasq doesn’t give out our static-ed IP’s.

To pointer, or not to pointer: That is the question

For a very long time now I’ve been looking for good explanations of pointers, and how the varying kinds differ.I’ve finally found a book that does a good job of explaining what they are and how they differ. The book is by Bjarne Stroustrup (the creator of C++) it’s called Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++. The book is supposed to teach you how to program (become a good programmer) using C++ not teach the C++ language.

iptables browsing samba shares

NOTE: this assumes that you’ve read my previous post on basic iptables setup on the desktopSo I just spent the longest time trying to determine what ports I needed to browse and use samba shares. The sad answer is it’s just one.iptables -A INPUT -p udp –sport 137 -j ACCEPTthe catch with all the information I found with google was that most of it was for samba servers. I didn’t want that.

Git Presentation

I’m doing a git presentation and the Lansing Coldfusion User Grouptomorrow night. Anyone who wants to is welcome to comeBelow are the slides for the presentation.EDIT: I don’t know why but google doesn’t show all slides formatted right in mini mode. It’s cut off some of the text and overlapped some things.–This workby Caleb Cushingis licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Jeff Atwood fails at password security

This was originally written for a class assignment and as that has not been modified (much) for the web. Jeff Atwood’s password was compromised, the following includes a summary of how it happened, and how better security policies could have avoided it. This was written for Advanced Report Writing at Baker College.Summary of ArticleOn May 3, 2009, Jeff Atwood reports that his Stack Overflow password was compromised an that he received an email explaining the details.

Regen2. don't care anymore

Yep, I don’t really care anymore. So much work needs to be done, I can’t do it alone, but neither Gentoo, Funtoo, Sabayon, or Exherbo, are going down the right path to the salvation of the ‘gentoo way’. Without help or regular feedback I lost the will to work on it. Will regen2 ever be revived? I don’t know.if you want go to Funtoo, it should be easy enough to dogit remote add funtoo git://github.

Arch, Funtoo, and Regen2's future

as I’ve been saying here recently I’m burned out, on so many angles it’s not funny. I’m apathetic, I’m not really sure I care anymore. I’m actually playing with arch at the moment to see if it’s a better fit. I also here debian sid might work. I don’t want to maintain the tree 7 days a week anymore, and I’d like an up to date system. I’ve been talking with Daniel Robbins lately about the possibility of a common tree with Funtoo, I’m not sure he wants to do it the same way I do, which is unfortunate.